
a-z biography

All of my life I have been a
Could I have been anything else?
Don't worry, I couldn't have. I will be a boy for-
Ever and ever. i don't really remember my
First word, but I have been told that it was
How is that even a word?
I guess it is. I dunno.
Just pretend it is. Looking bac
K on my childhood I remember constantly playing a-
Lone, by
Myself. But I wasn't lonely, I just was very solitary.
Now that I'm a teenager, I feel like a different pers-
On. The traits that I
Possesed as a child have
Quietly disappeared. I like very different things. I
Remember I was a total fantasy RPG nerd. I thought it wa-
S Sooo cool. Now I don't dislike it, but I don'-
T do it either. I gave
Up playing Magic: the Gathering. That as a
Very sweet game. I still have all my cards. I
Was trying to sell them at one point. It didn't work.
You know the Comic Company up by North Dekalb Mall? They got
Zapped. That used to be Magic central. Now it's just another fading memory...

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