
a character

She is so quiet. It is uncanny. Her silence seems to either stem from some sort of discipline that she required at a young age, or some fear or social deficiency that until now wasn't an issue. It is an intimidating silence. One fears to approach her. She is unaware of this shield around her. She is confused by it. A few brave souls have been able to break the barier and commence in some form of conversation that is soon lost. As far as i know nobody has been able to actually TALK to her...Real communication...Not the meaningless banter of everyday communication, TRUE COMMUNICATION. I feel as though she has found something. She knows something, she's figured it out. While others around her ignore it or continue to strive for it she sits, contemplative, examining what she has found. Testing it. I think if one could get inside her head one would find an understanding and peace that one has never experienced.

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