Waking Life basically gave me a whole new perspective on...everything. It helped me question things a little easier. Some of the philosophies really stuck in my head. Also I really loved the animation technique. I had heard of (and seen) rotoscoping before but never anything like that. I liked how flat and drawn everything was, how painted it felt. It made me say something along the lines of "Holy ****, maybe everything is wrong."
Although Sunshine wasn't quite as collossal and deep, it was incredibly well directed. The special effects were put into use very well and it was all very surreal (the way it was shot) and trippy. It also had some great actors. Jim Carey is incredibly talented, along with that other guy who always gets stuck in those crappy chick flicks (he was in 13 going on 30 and Just Like Heaven and Rumor Has It). He was the eraser who jumped on the bed with Kirsten Dunst (sp?). She is also pretty good, except for in Spiderman. She sucked in Spiderman. Also Elijah Wood was in it and he is AWESOME! Seriously man, Elijah Wood is one of the greatest actors of all time, along with George Clooney and Jonny Depp.
Okay, back to Waking Life. I know I'm skipping around but whatever. Waking Life made me think. I thought about the basic outline of the movie, which to me is "What if what you are experiencing right now is a dream?" Not a dream in the traditional sense, but just not reality. What if what we have been experiencing as dreams is the true reality? Or maybe there is no traditional reality and reality is just what you make of it? What if I am the only concious being in this reality and everything around me I created myself? They say that you only use about 5% of your brain capacity, so what is the other 5% doing? Could it be conjuring up a reality to feed to you? But why? Maybe it's because I need this false sense of trueness to survive? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know (saying it three times helps). Thousands of years ago people KNEW the world was flat. Then the KNEW the Earth was the center of the Universe. Now we KNOW that it's part of a solar system and we are nowhere near the center of the universe. But what do we really know? How can we obtain any true knowledge? How do we access clean, untampered, untouched TRUTH? All knowledge that we contain has been dilluted like mud in water. There have been separate interpretations, emotions, lies, mistakes mixed into the fact. It's not true anymore.
I think this is mans ultimate and pointless goal. I think man exists to obtain TRUE knowledge, but when man finds it, then what? Share it with the rest of the world? that would dillute it just like the rest of the knowledge out there. Even finding it would dillute it. To obtain what we want we must destroy it, therefore our goal is ultimately impossible. I think the solution to this problem is manifested in man's "God". I think "God" could be considered the "clean man" one who would not dilute the TRUTH if they were to come upon it.
However in contradiction, can this "clean man" even be considered a man? In order to obtain this state of clean one would essentially have to lose the very thing that makes them human. Imperfection. And in doing so they would no longer be considered Man, and Man would not have obtained the TRUTH. It is a harsh paradox that sees no end. I think the paradoxicality of this situation is intentional, it is impossible so Man will always have something to strive for, a reason for existence. And that's all we really want. All we really want when it's all said and done is a reason.
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